Get Free Case Evaluation

Do you Qualify

For SSDI Benefits?

You'll Never Fight Alone

Contact Us Today To Evaluate Your Disability Case

Please fill out the following form as completely as possible in order to assist us in evaluating your disability case.

Contact Information



*Are you working full time?
If no, when did you stop working full time?
During the ten years before you stopped working, how many of those years were you employed?
Are you working part time?*
If you are still working part time, please answer the following:


Social Security

Have you applied for Social Security? *
If your case has been denied, what is the date of the MOST RECENT denial notice?
Have you filed an appeal of this latest denial notice?
If you have applied, are you currently represented
by an attorney?
Are you currently under the care of a doctor?*
Please describe your disabilities and
why you feel you cannot work:

Widely regarded as among the best in their field. They are professional, friendly, and conscientious with a genuine respect for their clients. They are worthy of the highest possible endorsement.

Michael R.