Respect for your Social Security disability appeals needs
Social Security disability appeals can become a frustrating, dehumanizing experience when handled alone.The Law Offices of Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. in Chicago work closely with their clients to ensure a positive and successful relationship throughout the appeals process.
If your claim is initially denied, we will aid in filing your claim with your local office. This first and extremely vital step allows us to frame the facts and legal issues that are crucial in your case. If your request is denied at this point, a Request for Hearing before an Administrative Law Judge must be filed in order to continue.
You may need to prove your case at the hearing.
The Administrative Law Judge assigned to your case has not been involved in your situation up to this point. If your case can be clearly stated in a written argument, your claim may be approved without a hearing. If a hearing is necessary, you and your lawyer will be present with evidence to verify the legitimacy of your claim.